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First Official Trailer For "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" Released

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When the first teaser trailer for BvS: Dawn of Justice dropped a few months back, I liked it. I didn't love it, but it gave me enough to make me confident that it would turn into a very good film. But having seen this official full-length trailer, I gotta say I absolutely loved it. This trailer gives us a whole lot of new footage. In fact, almost everything we hear and see is completely different from what was shown in the teaser. While the trailer ran a full minute longer than most trailers, it leaves wanting to see so much more and that's really what trailers are supposed to do.

In the trailer itself we see some pretty interesting things. Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman is seen in action for the first time and while we didn't see a whole lot of her, what we did see didn't look all that bad. There is also a Joker reference, which was one of my favorite parts because of what it potentially represents. The scene, while very short, shows Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne looking at a suit with yellow paint on it that reads "HAHAHA JOKE'S ON YOU BATMAN". If you take time to examine the costume itself, you can see an "R" on the suits left side of the chest. That symbol, as most people know, represents Batman's sidekick Robin. In the comic, Bruce Wayne retires from being Batman after the Joker brutally murders Jason Todd, who was the second Robin. Seeing this reference being made in the trailer is something many of us hoped for but didn't think would happen.

That's not all, however. As I mentioned before, this was a long trailer so there's a few more things to get to. We see the battle between Superman and General Zod from Bruce Wayne's perspective just as the battle destroys one of Wayne's buildings and killing a lot of innocent people in the process. As the building is coming down, Bruce does opposite of what the other people are doing and runs directly at the cloud of debris in a way in which only someone used to running straight into danger could. Shortly after, we see Bruce begin training once again.

These were, at least in my eyes, some of the key moments from the trailer although there is much more to be seen. There are some fight scenes, as well as our first sight of kryptonite. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is directed by Zack Snyder and is set to release on March 25, 2016.


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