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Guillermo del Toro: The Man Behind the Monsters

"Since childhood, I've been faithful to monsters. I have been saved and absolved by them. Because monsters, I believe, are patron saints of our blissful imperfection. They allow and embody the possibility of failing and living." Those were the words that Guillermo del Toro spoke after winning his first Golden Globe for his directorial work on The Shape of Water. It was a speech that I connected with and understood completely. With the Oscars coming up, I want to say a few words on what Guillermo del Toro and his films mean to me and why I am rooting for him to win the Best Director award at the Academy Awards.
            Growing up, my parents never really censored what my brothers and I saw on TV or at the movies. As a result, I was exposed to many of the great horror films at an extremely young age. Slashers were a constant in our home. Despite how much they scared me, they also fascinated me. Slashers were the norm for me until around the age of seven when, while still living in Mexico, we went to the cinema to watch this horror film titled El Espinazo del Diablo (The Devil's Backbone). I remember it feeling creepy, for sure, but it wasn't the type of horror film that made me cover my eyes in fear. I was used to typical slasher tropes, but that’s not the type of movie this was. While it was fairly easy to take it all in, I felt haunted by this story long after it had ended in a way that no other horror film up to that point had made me feel. For days after watching the film, I couldn't get that movie or its characters out of my head. I remember being around my house and expecting Santi (the film's ghost) to appear in front of me. Santi, with his head sliced open and his blood flowing upwards, felt etched into my brain.
            The Devil's Backbone was the first "haunted-house" horror movie that I remember seeing, and maybe that's part of the reason why it has stuck with me for as long as it has. I was in the first grade when I first saw it, and though I remembered it often, I would not see it again until my very last year of college some 15 years later. There are a lot of concepts and ideas in it that as a kid went right over my head. I didn’t really gain a full appreciation of it until I was an adult, but I will get into that a little later.
            The 15 years in between my two viewings of The Devil’s Backbone was when I truly fell in love with horror. The Devil's Backbone opened up an entire new world of horror for me. In the time after The Devil’s Backbone, I searched for any type of horror media I could find and devoured it. Whether it was books, television shows, radio shows or video games, if it had something to do with horror I needed to have it. And all the while, horror films were always there. The Devil’s Backbone opened the door for me to explore other horror sub-genres. It was no longer just slashers. It was psychological horror, paranormal horror and, of course, monster films. I looked for the classics and watched everything I could find.
The Hellboy films came at a time when I was starting to pay attention to the filmmakers behind the movies I loved, which is how I discovered Guillermo del Toro. While Hellboy isn’t a horror series, it is heavily influenced by it. I loved and admired the beauty in the monsters he created. I was always amazed at the amount of attention to all the little details in the designs of his creations. When I found out that he was responsible for making The Devil's Backbone, it made perfect sense in my head.
            His films, and the films that his work inspired me to see, painted a very clear picture to me. They showed me that sometimes the worst monsters are within ourselves and that we are often responsible for any misfortune that comes our way. Monsters can represent our fears, our anxieties, our thoughts. They can represent the repressed and underprivileged just as much as the bourgeois and the privileged. As ironic as it may appear, monsters are proof that we are human. Horror can represent both the worst and the best in humanity. It gives us the ability to give a physical form to the things we fear most. In doing so, we give ourselves a chance to understand our fears and overcome them. In the horror genre, monsters are typically made to be terrifying but what I admire most about Guillermo del Toro films is that he shows that there is beauty to be found in the things that scare us.  
            Everything that I learned in those 15 years made for an altogether different experience when I watched The Devil's Backbone for the second time. I had a better grasp on the things I didn't quite understand when I was 7 years old. I was no longer afraid of Santi. I saw him in the same light that I saw Frankenstein’s monster. They were victims of a cruel, unforgiving world that unfairly made them out to be monsters. What I found terrifying was Jacinto, a man capable of incredible rage and destruction. Much like the missile standing firmly at the center of the orphanage, Jacinto always seemed one tic away from exploding. When he finally did, the result was as destructive and violent as any bomb could have been. He was the real monster in the story.
            That’s a theme that seems to run through all of del Toro’s films. He has an incomparable ability to make the audience sympathize with his monsters more so than with the humans in his stories. That ability has never been as effective as it was in his latest film, The Shape of Water. It is a beautiful story that gives a voice to the voiceless (both literal and figurative). It’s a story in which a mute woman and an amphibian creature fall in love with each other. It is through this love that the heroine, Elisa, finds a voice that booms louder than the crack of thunder. Likewise with the Creature, it is depicted as a beautiful thing. The only reason why the humans in the story fear is because they don’t understand it. Because of her condition, Elisa is sort of an outcast as well which allows her the ability to see the Creature as more than a monster.
            With The Shape of Water, Guillermo del Toro has managed to do the thing that even his most revered film, Pan’s Labyrinth, failed to do which is obtaining Oscar nominations in all of the applicable major categories. 2017 proved to be an unprecedented year for genre films and The Shape of Water has been placed at the forefront of it all. Guillermo Del Toro has had a career that’s been largely ignored when it comes to the Academy awards, but with The Shape of Water he has created a piece of art that cannot go unnoticed. His films have taught me so much about horror and monsters. His passion for them shines through every film that he does. Maybe I’m a bit biased in wanting him to win the Best Director award at the upcoming Oscars, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t deserving of it.


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