Image via Brooklyn shows a beautiful story of a young Irish woman, Ellis (Saoirse Ronan), who must leave her home in Ireland for New York in order to have a chance to live the life her family knows she will never be able to have if she stays at home. After a rough trip across the sea for Ellis, she arrives in New York where her new adventure begins, meeting some great people and some who are just not very good. While she is not very happy at first, she eventually gets to be happy and everything that happens to get to that point is so entertaining and full of both heartbreak and heart-warming moments, making Brooklyn a very fascinating film and one of my favorites of the year. What John Crowley was able to do was direct Brooklyn to near-perfection. There are so many things that Crowley was able to do right, yet my favorite part about this movie was the way in which it made you feel as if you were actually back in the 1950's. Every...
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